Sender: Butterflies


Digital illustration

When we see butterflies and blooming flowers, it always reminds us of Spring and thus in this project “Sender: Butterflies”, we try to turn butterflies into the messengers of Spring, and they are sending out letters to inform us: “Here comes the Spring”.


In this artwork series, 7 pairs of butterflies and plants that are commonly found during springtime in Hong Kong are depicted.

Asian Swallowtail & Mandarin (柑橘鳳蝶及柑橘)

 Papilio xuthus & Citrus reticulata

Pale Grass Blue & Lavender Sorrel (酢漿灰蝶及酢醬草)

Pseudozizeeria maha serica & Oxalis debilis

Red-base Jezebel & Sweet Viburnum (報喜斑粉蝶及珊瑚樹)

 Delias pasithoe & Viburnum odoratissimum

Common Tiger & Pride-of-Barbados (虎斑蝶及洋金鳳)

 Danaus genutia & Caesalpinia pulcherrima

Magpie Flat & Rusty-hair Raspberry (白弄蝶及繡毛莓)

 Abraximorpha davidii esta & Rubus reflexus

White Dragontail & Illigera (燕鳳蝶及寬藥青藤)

 Lamproptera curius & Illigera celebica

Glassy Tiger & Blood-flower (絹斑蝶及馬利筋)

 Parantica aglea & Asclepias curassavica

Through our works, we want to showcase the varieties of biodiversity in Hong Kong and the vividness and colourfulness of butterflies and plants. The pairs of butterflies and plants are not only picked by aesthetics factors, but they are also put together because the plants are the host plant or nectariferous plant (source of nectar) of an exact butterfly species.